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Stuart FL Divorce Mediator Family Mediator Near Me Before submitting an application.The training must be completed prior to submitting an application. Before being listed as a Rule 31 Mediator, applicants are required, pursuant toRule 31, Section 14, to meet certain qualifications inEducation, Work Experience, and Training. When selecting a mediator, look for someone with the experience and background to help get your case settled. needs JavaScript to function properly and provide you with a fast, stable experience. She is the former wife of a Pastor who has experienced the shame and ridicule from other clergy members as she sought refuge and safety as a result of the abuse and defamation of character by her former spouse. The lack of accountability and support from within the “Black Church” for a Black Family was a pivotal moment in Ms. Glenn-Carter Life. Mediation is confidential - nothing discussed in mediation will be provided to the Court except the written Parenting